Blue Ridge Parkway (Mabry Mill to Jeffress Park NC) 4-17-12

From Mabry Mill, I continue south into North Carolina.

Groundhog Hill with a cool observation tower to climb, the Puckett Cabin and Jumpinoff Rock are just a few of the sites I saw on this stretch—-

But the best one was THE LUMP. The Lump simply is a hill that has a trail up to the top where you can have magnificent views in all directions. It is also named for Tom Dula. Dula was accused of and convicted of killing his girlfriend in a love triangle. He was hung for the crime but was there actually another woman that killed the girl? Dula wouldn’t say and paid the ultimate price. The ballad of Tom Dula was born here—you know it better as “Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley”
